Tag Archives: #paranormalromance

Audiobook Giveaway

My very first baby, my paranormal romance/urban fantasy horror story (haha – enough genres for you?) is finally out on audiobook! I have a very limited amount of promotional codes. If you’d like to receive one, just review any one of my books and send me the link to the review. Happy reading (and listening)!

The Human Cure

Kate Plesser is leading a dead-end life as an office assistant with a penchant for bad relationships. She is lost. When Kate is kidnapped by Hunter, a gorgeous stranger, she assumes he is just some sick psychopath. She never suspects he is actually a vampire, and that she is about to be plunged into a world stranger than her wildest dreams. In the underground city where Hunter lives, she encounters his otherworldly cousin Chase, who holds the key to her freedom. She is thrust into a village where humans are farmed for feeding and breeding. In this mysterious new world beneath Queens, New York, Kate finds something she never expected.

This week’s Newsletter from indie publisher 48fourteen features the extreme makeover of my first ever published novel, and I can’t wait for you to see it!

Stopping by to bring you our latest bookish news…extreme book cover makeover Cover reveal for The Human Cure by Tracy Auerbach. The Human Cure by Tracy Auerbach was originally released way, way, waaaayyy back in 2011. It was about time for a brand new look, and what look it is! Check out the original cover below, and compare it to the new one. Extreme, right? This awesomeness was designed by Ampersand Book Covers. BEFOREAFTER
Kate Plesser is leading a dead-end life as an office assistant with a penchant for bad relationships. She is lost. When Kate is kidnapped by Hunter, a gorgeous stranger, she assumes he is just some sick psychopath. She never suspects he is actually a vampire, and that she is about to be plunged into a world stranger than her wildest dreams. In the underground city where Hunter lives, she encounters his otherworldly cousin Chase, who holds the key to her freedom. She is thrust into a village where humans are farmed for feeding and breeding. In this mysterious new world beneath Queens, New York, Kate finds something she never expected.AMAZONebook sale
We are helping you combat quarantine boredom one book at a time! For as long as we are on lock down, all of our eBooks will be on sale for $0.99 on Amazon. Get your read on! 